Are Wales going to perform a U-turn (where possible) on the 20mph limit?
Driver Safety

Are Wales going to perform a U-turn (where possible) on the 20mph limit?

As you may be aware, Wales implemented a change in the 30mph speed limit that reduced it, in some areas, to 20mph - as we covered in this article, here. This doesn't affect every 30mph speed limit,...
Your Ultimate Guide to Anti-braking Speed Cameras
Anti-braking Speed Cameras

Your Ultimate Guide to Anti-braking Speed Cameras

After successful trials across Spain, they've now introduced Anti-braking Speed Cameras across the Navarre region, which is North-west of Barcelona - but what are Anti-braking Speed Cameras and how...
 All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group,  All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group Proposal, Pure One, Speed Camera Detector, Speed Awareness Device
Motoring News

Road Angel welcomes proposal which could see fines for being 1mph over limit

We're all about Road Safety here at Road Angel, and this week we welcome a proposal from The All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group about a change to the driving laws which would see drivers punishe...
Fined for going 1mph over the limit? Some MP’s say yes!
Motoring News

Fined for going 1mph over the limit? Some MP’s say yes!

A group of MP’s from a variety of parties will be demanding that drivers are to be fined for going just 1mph over the speed limit. In a new report set to be published tomorrow, the All Parliamentar...
Wales to implement 20mph speed limit from 17th September 2023
Driver Safety

Wales to implement 20mph speed limit from 17th September 2023

From the 17th September 2023, the Welsh Government are introducing a default speed limit of 20mph, down from 30mph, in residential and built-areas where there are typically lots of people. These ar...
Are Speed Camera Detectors legal in the UK?
Car Gadgets

Are Speed Camera Detectors legal in the UK?

Well, are Speed Camera Detectors legal in the UK? The short answer is yes. But we don't do short answers here at Road Angel.  So, this blog is going to cover the legality of Speed Camera Detectors...
Mobile Speed Camera Vans, Mobile Speed Camera Van, Speed Limit, Speed Limit Sign
Mobile Speed Camera Vans

Explication des fourgonnettes de radars mobiles

Dans les blogs précédents, nous avons expliqué les tenants et les aboutissants des radars de vitesse moyenne et des radars aux feux rouges. Ici, nous portons notre attention sur les fourgonnettes ...
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